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September means... Perth Festival of Yarn!

Writer: YarnUniqueYarnUnique
Back when Yarn Unique was a little piece of my imagination, and long before I decided to really jump in with both feet, I was quite certain that I'd never be a vendor at a yarn show - that was for the amazing indie dyers not a little someone like me... I still loved attending them, I just never believed I'd be good enough, or big enough, to bring my own yarn to one!
Skip ahead three years and my thinking couldn't be more different - I LOVE vending at yarn shows!

September marks a full year of trying out yarn shows and dipping my toe into the waters of being a real life 'indie dyer' in person! I'm not going to lie, there is still a really healthy dose of imposter syndrome every time I set up at a venue, but I suspect it's in my nature to always have a little of that with me wherever I go. However, that voice is one I work to quiet so that I can just enjoy the unadulterated yarniness that comes with being at a yarn show and meeting others who, like me, LOVE yarn!

But I digress, the reason this nostalgia comes now as we tick over into September is because we are just days away from the 2022 Perth Festival of Yarn and this is such an important show to me!

If you will indulge me to meander with my thoughts a little more, I’ll take you back to the seemingly never-ending ‘lockdown’ during the Covid-19 pandemic. Yarn shows and events were no more, but social media and reimagined events provided some solace for those needing their fix of yarn, including a creative take on the virtual yarn show idea from the team behind Perth Festival of Yarn. A new and exclusive online store was created for what would have been the festival week and it was to be filled with show exclusives from a wide range of talented dyers and fibre artists. Now if you remember my assumption that I’d never reach the heights of being accepted at yarn shows and becoming a ‘true’ indie dyer, I wasn’t hopeful when I requested more information about joining this event. So when I actually received a warm welcome, encouragement and tonnes of advice from Eva, the festival director, I was amazed!

Now, knowing Eva and the team much better, I know that this warm welcome is just who they are; another shining example of the supportive and welcoming yarn community. But at the time it gave me pause for thought and gave me the confidence to try, which is usually all any of us really need!

An exciting and successful virtual show completed, and the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, led to this time last year where the Perth Festival of Yarn team were preparing to re-open their doors in 2021. I had applied, and been accepted and this was to be my first 2 day event, Yarn Unique was about to be put out there for the public to judge!

That event in 2021, I may be gushing again but I can’t under-emphasise its importance, proved to be absolutely key in kickstarting me to make the full-time leap into Yarn Unique and deciding the yarn business is where I wanted to be for the long haul!

It's safe to say, I had an amazing weekend! I met so many lovely customers, I forged lasting friendships with other vendors and I embraced the social side of the festival – I was all together more outgoing than I normally am and I loved every minute!

In the following 12 months I have vended at lots of other yarn shows, loving each and every one for their uniqueness, but Perth Festival of Yarn does, and will always, hold a special place in my heart. Their championing me as up-and-coming dyer has been so important in my journey and that of the Yarn Unique brand!

So, that meandering through process brings us to now. September 2022. Days before the 2022 Perth Festival of Yarn, where I am not only returning to be a vendor (I'll be right inside the door as you enter at no 52 - come and say hi!) but I am so very proud to say am a sponsor of the iconic lounge where all visitors will be welcomed and find space to rest, meet friends and attend a huge variety of meet and greets.

Sponsoring the Yarn Unique lounge is a privilege and I can’t wait to meet lots of you there!

So... days to go... I'm super excited... what can you expect at Perth Festival of Yarn in 2022?

60 amazing dyers, fibre artists and yarn related businesses will be there with the most amazing items to tempt you and please you! But, Perth feels like so much more than 'just' that (and 'just that' is already amazing!). During show days there's also a programme of talks and a busy schedule in the lounge of people to meet! And after hours on Saturday there will be an epic social event so you can really make a weekend of it!

The Saturday Gala Dinner, which includes live music from Ruth Martin who, equipped with an acoustic guitar and a rich soulful voice, will be sharing her eclectic songwriting style whilst I tuck into a lovely tea and chat with fellow yarn lovers, oh and it's a fab excuse to don a nice 'out-out' outfit - It's fair to say I'm a bit excited!

But, back to the lounge...

Upstairs during both market days the lounge, accessible via a lift or stairs, will house seating and space for all. Come here to meet friends and show off your purchases; find a quiet space to rest before you head back down; or join in with the schedule of meet-and-greets!

Saturdays Lounge Line-up:

11 am

​Rununculus – Made a Rununculus? How many can we get in one photo?

12 pm

Emma Vining – A Knitter's Guide To Shawl Design

1 pm

Abi MacIntyre – Mosaic Crochet

2 pm

Podcasters – Meet and greet the podcasters attending our Festival today.

2.30 pm

Heather and Hops – Meet Katt Weaver and bring any pieces you have made from her designs

3 pm

Yarn Unique – Meet me! (And I may have some goodies to share!)

Sundays Line-Up:

11 am

Fairisle – Made anything in Fairisle? Let's get a group photo.

12 pm

Podcasters – Meet and greet the podcasters attending our Festival today.

2 pm

Yarn Unique – Meet me! (And I may have some goodies to share!)

All in all, it is going to be an amazing weekend, and if you haven't already you should definitely book your ticket to come and join us there! (If only to make sure my imposter syndrome doesn't crep back in - I'll need your support during the meet and greet so please do come and say hello!)



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